Thursday 24 November 2022
Quick Links for Parents/Guardians
Staff Directory
Alicja Raffray, Counsellor
Student Recognition
Please do share details of the achievement accompanied by a photo so that we can celebrate these successes at school.
All years, Counter Bullying Letter for parents
Tomorrow, all parents will receive an important letter from Victoria College that outlines our approach to eliminating unkind and bullying behaviour, an update on what we are doing and particularly the vital role that boys and parents play. The letter has been written in collaboration with the parents who attended our Counter Bullying Workshop during Anti bullying week. Please read it when it arrives, and discuss the content with you son.
Ensuring that the entire College Community understands this message is another step forwards in embedding our Culture of Kindness.
1. The Harmony Men and our own College Choirs join together on Thursday 24 November for their "Men Aloud" concert to celebrate the Harmony Men's 30th anniversary.
Men Aloud - Harmony Men and VCJ Choirs
2. Our Christmas concert returns on Thursday 1 December to get the festivities started. Please follow the link below for more information and to register for your free ticket:
A Christmas Cracker
3. Our fourth year of challenging our Year 7 boys to learn an instrument will be in full swing at the Victoria College Orchestral Challenge concert on Tuesday 13 December; this short celebration of their achievements after just 11 weeks is a big event in our annual calendar. Click on the link to book your ticket:
Victoria College Orchestral Challenge Concert
All Years, We Will Rock You Tickets on Sale, Monday 5 December - Thursday 8 December
All Years, Elevate Education 'How to Build Your Child's Resilience' Webinar, Tuesday 29 November, 6pm
Elevate Education works with students, delivering high impact workshops on study skills, motivation, wellbeing, and exam preparation. By tuning into their webinar series you will learn how you can help better support your children at home through reinforcing the skills they learn at school.
In this webinar - How to Build Your Child's Resilience - Elevate will be showing parents:
- What resilience means, what it doesn’t mean, and why it’s important
- How to help build your child’s resilience levels, both in and out of school
- How to help your child break their ‘fear of failure’
To register for free, please click on the link: Register Here
Y7, Joint Lunches with JCG, 7 & 8 December
Year 12 students are organising joint lunches for Year 7 with JCG to allow students to build positive relationships with their peers from JCG. On Wednesday 7 December, 7Braithwaite and 7Diarmid will go to the Great Hall at the start of lunch, and should bring with them a packed lunch and a pen. On Thursday 8 December, 7Sartorius, 7Bruce and 7Dunlop will go to the Great Hall at the start of lunch, and should bring with them a packed lunch and pen.
Y7-Y9, School Counsellor, Coping Skills Board Game
Victoria College's School Counsellor is offering a new activity for all students in Years 7-9. Parents are invited to refer their son via the form below.
The Coping Skills Game for 2-4 players provides students with tools for emotional self-care helping them to cope with daily challenges. Children will learn to deal with feelings, adjust attitudes, discover choices, accept imperfections, and more. The game presents real-life situations and makes dealing with them fun. Participants learn to identify and accept their feelings, verbalise their needs, and to have them met in an acceptable manner, instead of acting them out in a dangerous or disruptive way.
Y8, Trip to See Horrible Histories - Terrible Tudors, Thursday 15 December, 1.30pm
We are delighted to let you know that Horrible Histories - Terrible Tudors is coming to the island in December. This is a West End quality production which will be visiting the island, and we have been fortunate to secure tickets on Thursday, 15 December for a performance at 13:30.
Please click on the link for further information:
Horrible Histories Parent letter
Y8-Y10 and Y12 Activities Week History Department Battlefields Trip
Y8-Y13, Iceland Trip, Wednesday 19 - Saturday 22 July 2023. Deadline - Friday 25 November.
We are excited to announce the official launch of the Geography Department's Iceland Trip departing on Wednesday, 19 July and returning on Saturday, 22 July 2023 (please be aware this is the Saturday after the end of term). The trip is open to all pupils from Year 8 to Year 13.
The most up-to-date information about this trip and how to sign up can now be accessed here: https://www.victoriacollege.je/iceland2023
Y9 Options Evening, Tuesday 29 November, 5pm
We are delighted to be able to invite you and your son to our Year 9 GCSE Options and Information Evening on Tuesday 29 November from 5pm until 7pm. A letter containing more information is accessible via the link below:
Year 9 Options Evening Parent Letter
Ahead of the evening, if you would like to learn more about the GCSE courses available to your son, the GCSE Options Guide can be found here.
Y9-Y11, Duke of Edinburgh's Award Update, Thursday 24 November
Year 9 D of E
All students who have submitted the paperwork should have now had an email via their school email from D of E which states their username and password. They should now be able to log on and fill in their contact details. D of E will then send in the post the discount card and a help booklet with copies of assessor reports. Any parents/students who feel they should have had this, but have not , please email Mrs Blackmore and she will check the records. It will take a few days to sort out any new enrolments. It is not too late to join if you would like to. The students will get some tutor time to get help if they are unsure of what to do. The volunteering, physical and skills sections may well involve selecting things they do already outside of lessons. They do not need to start doing new activities if they already do things which fit the criteria. For example production rehearsals working on their drama skills, football training and music practise. Volunteering can be helping neighbours or family but will probably need a volunteering log sheet to record the hours completed. As usual email or drop into see Mrs Blackmore if there are any queries.
Year 10 D of E
A few more boys have now finished off and Mrs Blackmore is awaiting the verifier to certify their Award. There are still a number who have not uploaded any evidence or more importantly assessor reports. These are essential to complete the Award. Anyone who missed the expedition could have another opportunity next July if they wish. All accounts should be completed before Christmas.
Year 11 D of E
Year 11 should have completed their Awards by now. Mrs Blackmore has extended the deadlines several times and now the accounts need to be closed before the Mocks. Unless the parents or students contact her she will close their D of E account. If you need help please contact Mrs Blackmore either in person in NB3 or via email - m.blackmore@vcj.sch.je
DofE FAQ Video
DofE FAQ Booklet
Bistro Victoria
Please check your son's bistro card value and ensure it is topped up. Currently, only bistro cards are accepted.
Monday 28 November

Today we are flying the Sartorius House flag at half-mast to remember Old Victorian, Jonathan Gales, who passed away unexpectedly last week. Our thoughts are with his friends and family at this very sad time. R.I.P Jonathan @VCJ_Head https://t.co/2pPY1eoMPw 3 hours ago Follow |