
For your Expedition section, you will need to plan, train for and complete an unaccompanied, self-reliant expedition with an agreed aim. You must do the correct training for your level and mode of travel, at least one practice expedition, a qualifying expedition (the one that is assessed) and a final presentation in order to complete the section.

Your expedition must be completed by your own physical efforts (but you have loads of choices, not just on foot!) with minimal external intervention and without motorised assistance. Your route should also be a continuous journey.

Key Dates

  • Training - Monday 19 June in school all Year 9 doing D of E
  • Practise walk A - Tuesday 27 June half Year group in their D of E groups
  • Practise walk B - Wednesday 28 June half Year group in their D of E groups
  • Prep for expedition - Friday 30 June in school Year 9 doing D of E. Should only need 2 lessons. To be confirmed which lessons, probably 3 and 4.
  • Expedition group A - Monday 3 to Tuesday 4 July - half Year group
  • Expedition group B - Monday 10 to Tuesday 11 July - half Year group