Quick Links for Parents/Guardians
Staff Directory
Student Recognition
Please do share details of the achievement accompanied by a photo so that we can celebrate these successes at school.
All Years, Christmas Carol Service and Last Day of Term Arrangements - Tuesday 19 December
Please note that the term will finish with our Annual Christmas Carol Service, held at St Thomas’ Church in St Helier. Boys will walk down to the church and then be dismissed at the end of the service, at approximately 3pm. If you would like your son to return to College after the service accompanied by members of staff, please complete this form before 4pm on Monday 18 December.
All Years, Dress Down Day - Monday 18 December
A reminder that Monday will be a dress down day to raise money for the Bailiff’s Appeal in aid of those in our Island community who were badly affected by Storm Ciaran. Please bring a cash donation of £2 to school. There will be 'spot prizes' for those students or staff who bring the greatest festive feel to their outfit.
You may have seen the troubling news this morning that the UK’s National Crime Agency have raised concerns that young people will be more at risk due to Meta, who own Facebook, Messenger and Instagram, encrypting the three platforms, and thus meaning that only the sender and receiver can read the messages. This removes the ability for Meta to detect signs of abuse in messages.
Facebook encryption risks children's safety, National Crime Agency warns - BBC News
This is a reminder that Facebook, Messenger, Instagram and Snapchat all have an age restriction of 13 and above. At all ages, we strongly encourage parents to regularly review your son’s phone and social media use, particularly over Christmas, where more free time might be available.
In the New Year, we will be holding parental workshops on the subject of eSafety, use of tech as well as seeking views on the use of the digital sphere in which our boys now exist. Please watch this space.
All Years, Spring Term Clubs and Activities
A reminder that sign up for Spring Term clubs is now open and is accessible via SOCS.
All Years, Homework Club Sign Up
We have changed the way in which boys sign up for Homework Club. To sign your son up for Homework Club, please do so via SOCS, and select the relevant Homework Club day. You will be billed separately.
All Years, VCPA Bingo Night
The VCPA cordialliy invites you to 'save the date' for their 'Bingo Night with a Twist' on Thursday 29 February 2024! More to come after the Christmas Holidays.

All Years, Community Choir
Please find a letter attached inviting parents and staff to meet and rehearse for a concert with the school choir and the Jersey Island Singers starting in the new year.
Community Choir Parent Letter
All Years, Dinner Table Discussions
To enable parents to have a better idea of what our KS3 students are studying in their PSHE lessons and to spread these conversations out of the classroom and into the home, we would be delighted if you could adopt our dinner table discussions into your weekly schedule.
Each week there will be questions that you can ask your child, that will link into their learning from PSHE that week and hopefully prompt interesting conversations.
This week's questions:
Y7 - What different communication styles are there? What effect can the different styles have on relationships?
Y8 - What difficulties did the young footballers face from Ghana? What more can governments do to protect children around the world from exploitation?
Y9 - What are the different types of contraception and what can you remember about how each one prevents pregnancies or protects against STIs?
All Years, Events and Resources to Support Neurodiversity, Mental Health and Wellbeing
To better access their Neurodevelopmental Service, CAMHS have introduced this CAMHS Support Pack containing information about neurodiversity, links to resources, sessions and local support services (this is a live document that will be updated as the Service offer develops). Key events to note are:
Introduction to the Neurodiversity Service sessions – these will take place every first Tuesday of the month for parents/carers that believe their child may be neurodiverse and would like to find out further information or are on the waiting list for an assessment. This session takes place at St James School, Jersey Youth Service from 12:00 – 13:00. The session focuses on: an introduction to CAMHS, neurodiversity, the assessment process and support available.
Weekly drop-in support session for Parents/Carers of neurodiverse children - Starting on Monday 27 November 11:30 – 13:30 at the Yes Project.
Sibling Support – siblings of ND children can now access a 4-week course to help them better understand neurodiversity, identify and understand their sibling's needs and how to best support them, recognise the importance of self-care as well as have the opportunity to connect with others who share similar experiences. This course is for young people age 9 – 14 years. The next course is running in January 2024 and ongoing support is available via the Jersey Youth Service ‘My Time Project’.
Year 11, Mock Exam Timetable and Examination Guidance
Year 11, Sixth Form Applications
Year 13, Mock Examination Information
Victoria College Careers
Over the coming year lots of information on careers opportunities will be advertised in this newsletter. Students will have a whole host of opportunities to choose from, including medical workshops, work experience, careers fairs, and several 'lunch and learns' both at school and at company offices. Please do encourage your son to attend some or all that are relevant to him.
Victoria College Foundation
If you or your business would like to support us in making our world-class education more accessible to young people from all backgrounds through financial support, please do get in touch via the links below.
The Foundation was created to support the ever-changing needs of school life and to help sustain the long-held tradition of providing quality education for all. The Victoria College Foundation plays a vital role in supporting bursaries and capital projects that allow the school to continue to expand, enhancing its facilities to meet the needs of our boys, the school and its community.
Become a Foundation Partner
Make a Donation
Leave a Legacy
Bistro Victoria
Please check your son's bistro card value and ensure it is topped up. Currently, only bistro cards are accepted.
Thursday 4 January

Spring Term Caring Cooks Menu coming.....
Congratulations too go to Viktoria Muller for the ‘Most Improved Recruit’ award and to Aaron Isidar-Tribe for ‘Best Recruit’. #aspirational #ourworldofopportunity #anexcitingplacetolearnandgrow https://t.co/ncrg6e7pt1 1 week ago Follow What a beautiful day for Victoria College’s CCF and their Passing Out Parade to celebrate the end of training and the completion of the recruit programme. We wish the recruits well as they now join one of the three sections of the CCF. @VCJ_Head @VCJ_CCF_CC https://t.co/qjswqdPLXv 1 week ago Follow This week we are launching our Co-curricular and Citizenship Awards 2024 to recognise students for their outstanding commitment and dedication to co-curricular activities not just in school but also outside of school. #beyondtheclassroom #reward #recognition https://t.co/rF3SbTRFdL 2 weeks ago Follow |